one mind at a time
Saving businesses
3 Month, 1-1
Who’s it for?
Entrepreneur in a business transition – going from one business venture to a diff one OR from no business to business start up
What’s included?
+3, 60 min, 1-1 coaching calls per month in a virtual meeting room (4 if payed in full)
+worksheet with each weekly podcast episode (as an extra personal development resource)
+unlimited, on demand Voxer App access (voice message back and forth, 1-1; if payed in full)
What are the results?
>smooth & profitable business transition
MONTH 1 FOCUS: Mindset & inner work – getting completely energetically clear around your new offer/career & building value in YOUR MIND. Selling yourself of the product/service. Clearing blocks around money, energy, new business.
MONTH 2 FOCUS: Your WHY + niching/who you will serve. What problem you specifically solve. Making your offering something special and NEW and WORTH IT to potential clients. Messaging/copy – speaking and marketing to your new clients
MONTH 3 FOCUS: Releasing the old. Old clients, old ways, old business. Cleaning up and clearing out to make room for the new + transition marketing plan/ business planning for your first offer/funnel to get cash flowing in your new biz!
Results Guarantee: If you participate fully (listening to each podcast, filling out and sending back the worksheets, signing in to each weekly 1-1 meeting, asking questions on voxer when you need support, paying the $900 in full) >>> you WILL have your new business UP, RUNNING, & MAKING MONEY OR I will give you another 3 months of coaching or your money back in full.
6 Month, 1-1
You deserve it all.
Intuitive blend of life coaching, business coaching & spiritual support with a focus on mindset & manifestation
YOU are the CEO of your life.
No one gets to decide the rules & outcomes, but YOU.
YOU get to have it all, but you have to choose accordingly.
What would your life be like if you took responsibility for every result (positive or negative) you've created so far?
Where could you be right now if you took every opportunity and aligned action that presented itself to you?
What if you didn't FEEL stuck anymore and making each next move/decision was easy?
Why have your dreams not happened yet?
What decision can you make RIGHT NOW that your highest-level, best self would make?
​ go do that.
xoxo, Sara
Who’s it for?
The entrepreneur who's been doing this "business thing" for a while but is ready to AMP UP with high vibes, high level coaching, mentorship, & FUN to reap massive results in her life & biz.
What’s included?
+3, 60 min, 1-1 coaching calls per month in a virtual meeting room (4 if payed in full)
+access to in-person, quarterly, Business Builder Brunch events for FREE during your active coaching time-frame ($1,800 Value)
+unlimited, on demand Voxer App access (voice message back and forth, 1-1; if payed in full)
+10% off retreats or other events I hold during your active coaching time-frame
+follow-up email after every coaching session, outlining our call, breakthroughs, goals, & action plans (if paid in full)
What are the results?
>Crushed limiting beliefs & a new, high-vibe prosperous & creative mindset in place
>Solid business foundation that can scale without falling apart
>CASH FLOW in your biz
>Clients have claimed restored relationships with spouses/children at home
>become the aligned-action-queen of your life
>YOU in full control of the results in your life & biz
FOCUS: 1st we will figure out where you're at vs. where you want to be & identify where the disconnect is + apply business & goal planning. Then, we will map out a specific plan of action for your biz so you can take the action and see the result over and over and over. This is a high-vibe, high-level, sacred & vulnerable space for both coach & client.